V Steam Instructions

Step 1: Set-up for your in-home vaginal steam with Treasure Box Yoni Chair, Treasure Steam pot, and Herbal Gems

  • Remove the lid of the Treasure Box Goddess Steam Chair and place it to the side. 
  • Place the Treasure Steam Pot inside the yoni steam chair, use the circling opening in the back to connect the cord to an outlet. 
  • Fill the steam pot with 1.5L of water (about 3/4 full)
  • Scoop 1-2 tablespoons of your Herbal Gems into the  steam pot with water. 
  • Place steam pot, with lid on, into the sauna. 
  • Turn the burner to medium high heat (level 3-4) and let the herbs heat for 10-15minutes. 
  • Remove the lid from the steam pot and put to the side. 
  • Secure the sauna lid onto of the seat.  
  • CHECK HEAT FOR SAFETY & COMFORT. Test the steam with your hand. If it's too hot, let it cool down for as long as needed. There is no benefit to the steam being too hot. The steam should be at a gentle and comfortable temperature for vaginal steaming. 
  •  Your vaginal steam set-up is ready!
  •  If wearing bottoms or under garments, remove them and take a wide legged seat. 
  •  For a Mild vaginal steam, stand up after 10 minutes. Advanced vaginal steam, stay seated for up to 30 minutes. It is never advised to vaginal steam for longer than 30 minutes. 
  •  If you haven't already turned your burner dial off, please do so now. For extra safety, please also unplug the burner. Never leave your burner unattended and always take care to turn it off properly.